This weekend my sister turned 50 years young. Her kids planned a party, and we all gathered to celebrate Wendy. When the time came to toast the guest of honor I mumbled a few dumb stories, but didn’t say exactly what I feel about my sister. So, since this is my blog and I get to pick the subject matter – neener neener - here’s what I should have said to that crowd of 40 or so who gathered:
My sister is an amazing woman. Granted, younger kids usually look up to their older siblings, but in this case my adoration is well-deserved. My sister has faced more than her share of adversity in her short 50 years. More than most face in a lifetime. Through marital problems, financial strife, the serious health issues of a spouse and major structural issues with her house she has always maintained a pretty even balance. There have been times when this woman just could not catch a break. Yet she always seemed to smile through the trouble. Sometimes I don’t know where she gets her strength. I admire her so much for that.
She is a nurturer like no other. Everyone around her, including co-workers (Hello, Steris!) feels taken under her wing. She gives so much to so many – including her children who are better for all that she has done for them. They are all terrific young adults with bright futures ahead. I just hope they appreciate all of the sacrifices she has made (and continues to make!) for them.
My sister is also highly intelligent, as I’ve mentioned here before. In fact, I love to brag about her chemistry major and biology and physics minors – and the fact that she has a job where the word ‘micro-organism’ is used on a daily basis. She was a wiz in school – graduating in the top 5 people in her class in high school. I admire this about her, since it never came easy to me. She has a bit of our grandfather’s engineering genious in her, too, when it comes to household repairs. Anything that requires tinkering or adjusting seems to intrigue her. She and her husband have also tackled some major home improvement projects and they’ve had great success.
Wendy has an amazing gift of gab and a great sense of humor. Sometimes it takes her a minute, but she’s quick with a laugh and a smile. She’s always ready with a story or an anecdote – told with a healthy dose of her bubbling personality and many hand gestures.
My sister is one of my biggest fans. She’s always been very supportive of everything I’ve done, for which I’m most appreciative. She is quick to point out my strengths when I can only see my weaknesses. She listens to my problems, encourages me to follow my dreams, and even tolerates my Martha Stewart-like tendencies. She is the best at giving big-sisterly advice. Most importantly, she has welcomed Dave, Sarah and Megan into the family with open arms – for which I will be eternally grateful. (Now, if we could only get her to stop talking about how tall Dave is…..!)
Wendy and I are very different – anyone who knows us will agree – yet we share a deep love and respect for each other and for our parents and brother. We are sisters first, but we are friends foremost.
Happy 50th Birthday Big Seeeeester! You’re not old!
I Love You!
p.s. Oh yeah, I made the cake. I call it Mocha Espresso Madness.
(Chocolate cake filled with chocolate espresso mousse and chocolate ganache, frosted with Chocolate Buttercream)
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