Sunday, November 13, 2005

But I digress

So I'm starting to realize that the beauty of having your own blog is that you can say what you want, right? Well for starters, here's one of my new favorite pet peeves: Cordless cell phone headsets. I've seen so many of them - just within the past week - that I get totally irritated with them now. What is the deal with people who have these things permanently affixed to their heads just waiting for that call to come in? I have always abhorred people who hold conversations while they shop (for food, for clothes, for housewares) but this takes it to another level.

Whereas before, people (mostly women) were somewhat deterred from conversing on their cell phones while in public by having to use one hand to hold it while they pawed through racks of clothing or pushed carts down the grocery store aisles, now they are completely unfettered, and thus even more prevalent and exceedingly more annoying.

Pretty soon there will just be a chip that you have surgically implanted in your ear canal and you do a tap dance or something to accept a call. Pardon me if I remain old school in my use of cell phones.

Yes, I know....I said this was a blog about food, and starting up a cake business. It will be. Since I'm completely off topic anyway, let me add another random thought that I had today:

Whatever happened to that fabulous word 'prestidigitation'? What a great word! Remember Bing Crosby on those Florida Orange Juice commercials? Let's revive that word. For example: "Why Jen, you showed extreme prestidigitation in inserting that tricky IV into your patient."

pres·ti·dig·i·ta·tion n.
  1. Performance of or skill in performing magic or conjuring tricks with the hands; sleight of hand.

  2. A show of skill or deceitful cleverness.
Thanks for sticking with me. More about pastry coming soon....including a blow-by-blow of a recent baking disaster.

Cheers and happy Sunday evening!

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